Cliteracy! at Manetti Shrem Museum of Art + beyond

Cliteracy! at Manetti Shrem Museum of Art + beyond

Back at the beginning of 2017, following *that election,* some friends and I started throwing around ideas for what became this project — how could we turn all *that emotion* into something creative, purposeful, cathartic, beautiful, empowering, fun? So we started up a collective, got out our embroidery hoops, and began work on a collaborative piece that ended up at the Nasty Women Exhibition Oakland. Fast forward to October, and Cliteracy! has become a full-scale participatory art installation, debuting at the Manetti Shrem Museum of Art in Davis! More info at our collective website:

The “Cliteracy” project serves as a practice of creativity and tool for the reclamation and celebration of our bodies. Building on the history of feminism, Cliteracy pushes social practice into new territory through the re-emergence of Stich’n’Bitch feminist fibre collectives/groups. We create an inclusive, safe and explorative space for participants to create new visual work that contributes to and amplifies a critical conversation about gender, beauty, equity, discrimination, violence, reclamation and celebration, while contributing to a movement through practice that is joyful, connected, community-based and empowered through the arts.